Posts in wedding photographer
Bonphotage Chicago Family Portraits

When Nita and Amish began their journey together, they could have never imagined that their union would result in such adorable, intelligent children. I met up with Amish, Nita and their two beautiful children on a beautiful, misty Chicago day. They had contacted me because they wanted holiday family photos in their favorite city. The day began in Streeterville at the Bonphotage Studio and included images at the iconic Olive Park and Parkview area.   

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Kona and Oliver - California Gentle Giants

Bonphotage has photographed a lot of dogs over the years. Big, small and medium, and we love them all. But even with all the pet photography experience under our belts, it's still always a bit intimidating to meet a dog that weighs as much as you and stands up taller than you.

Nevertheless, it took only minutes to realize that there was nothing to fear about Kona and Oliver. These 115 lb Great Danes were as sweet and playful as could be.


Shelly has had Kona (the beige Great Dane) since she was 10 weeks old. Kona is 3 years old but still acts like a puppy and loves bounding around the house playfully. She would much rather curl up in a sofa or chair then lay on her bed. She loves to go on walks, does anything for a treat, and enjoys accompanying Shelly and her husband wherever they. Kona thinks everyone should give her love when they see her and can't understand it when they aren't petting her. Understandable!

Oliver, the 6 year old black Great Dane, was adopted just over a year ago. Shelly and her husband are still getting to know him and vice versa. What they know for sure so far is that he has a sweet soul, loves to have his ears scratched, and loves to go on long walks. He can often be found walking around the house with a stuffed toy in his mouth and always has to take one to bed with him. He likes to lie in the sun in the house and outside. Oliver is also known to chase after birds and squirrels, but probably wouldn't know what to do if he actually caught one. His favorite past time is walking up to Kona when she's laying down and making her move so he can take her spot!! Shelly and her husband are so happy we added him to their family!

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Lake Michigan Soiree
Chicago Engagement: Yas and Ben

Chicago Engagement: Yas and Ben

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