Posts tagged evanston
Bonphotage Fine Art Chicago Wedding Photography - Hilton Orrington Evanston - Annie & Kevin

So excited to share a sneak peek to Annie and Kevin’s wedding day at the Hilton Orrington Hotel in Evanston! Their wedding was filled with so much beautiful tradition, love and laughter! Our favorite part was Kevin’s expression when he saw Annie coming down the aisle - we may or may not have shed a tear ourselves! The whole day was planned to perfection by Storybook Weddings. Congratulations you two and enjoy this sneak peek!

xo, Bonphotage

Photographed by Bonphotage photographers Serena and Josh.

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Bonphotage Evanston Wedding Photography - Josh + Cecilia

To say we've had the opportunity to capture a fair share of beautiful weddings this year would be an understatement...and the wedding season has just begun! Cecilia and Josh's Evanston nuptials were no exception! Bonphotage associates Cody and Jordan had a blast hanging with this laid-back crowd and one of the "funnest wedding parties" of the year! Personally, I can't get over the beautiful lighting, sweet first look and GIANT floral  bouquet!

Congratulations you two and enjoy this sneak peek! 

xo, Bonphotage 

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